Monday, July 19, 2010

Marathon Training, take 2, Day 1

Today begins my Philadelphia Marathon training. I've read that voicing your goals to others helps you meet them, so I figure what better way than to post them on the internet. Maybe I'll even try to get people to read my blog this time around, instead of just throwing a link in my FB profile and thinking someone might stumble across it when they're procrastinating.

So here it goes.... My main goal is to BQ. (Boston Qualify for those of you non-marathoners). My time would need to be 3:40:59 or less, meaning I have to cut almost 20 minutes off of my first attempt.

Things going for me:
1. Philly is supposed to be a lot faster (read flatter) than DC.
2. Hopefully, I will train all through nasty summer weather for a nice, cool, runner friendly temperature race day, not training through cool temps only to run in 70 degree heat.
3. Now that I've done it once, I know what I'm getting into.
4. I will have a track, an amazing gym, sunlight and approximately 15 hours a week more to do things like run, lift and cry about how much my legs hurt.

Things going against me:
1. It's summer so all I want to do is stay up late and drink, not get up early and run.
2. Cutting 20 minutes is A LOT of time. Even over 26.2 miles. (It's 51 seconds a mile)
3. The ad for the Philly Marathon that I ripped out of Runner's World says "When you feel the sting of sweat in your eyes, Push Through". As Matt pointed out, this could also apply to the elliptical. So much for motivating me to run.

I'm roughly following Hal Higdon's Intermediate II plan, with a few adjustments and modifications of my own.

-Embedded circuits: I read about these in a Runner's World running book. Basically, you run about 2 miles, do a set of running-specific strength training exercises then run 2 miles home.
-Speedwork: I'm going to do a mix of tempo runs, mile repeats, stair running at Byrd and Yasso 800s.
-CRC Fitness classes: I am reallllly hoping that Abs class fits into my schedule so some undergrad aerobics instructor can kick my butt a few times a week.

Thanks to Groupon, I had a one month membership to the YMCA, plus I got two free training sessions. My trainer had run a 3:30 marathon in his only try, so I trust he knows something about running. He watched me run and advised me to use my quads more when I run. I apparently didn't use them at all because now that I'm consciously trying to create power from my quads, they kill. I definitely feel that my stride is a lot more powerful, but my quads have a long way to go to be able to carry me through 26.2 miles.

Today I ran an easy 4. Tomorrow is 5 miles with some speed (I think I'm going to improvise as I go).

Wish me luck!

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