Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lucky Number 7

I ran 23 miles last week, which is most likely an all-time best for me. It also pushed me within 6 miles of my 75 total for January 12-February 12, with 5 days to spare.

On Sunday, I saw my family for my mom's birthday. The weather was beautiful – mid 60s, sunny, or the perfect day for a run. Knowing my love for running, my parents, aunt and uncle and grandparents commented on how nice it would be to run and asked if I had gone or would be going later. Truth be told, I was hungover and running was the last thing I wanted to do at the time. I explained how much I had run the week before and that I was taking a day off (true) and that with our impending Chinese food lunch, I doubted I would make it out.

Yesterday evening I ran 7 miles, the most I’ve run since the half marathon in October. It felt good. My calf was really tight at the beginning. I have no idea why and considered cutting the run short, but after about 2.5 miles and stretching at red lights, it calmed down and I finished the run well. Running down the final hill I thought about how great it felt to run so far and then I remembered that 7 miles is just over half of the 13.1 I’ll be running March 21.

I’m right on schedule with my training. I figure by adding a mile to my long run each week will put me up to 10 around Feb 28-March 2 and I could get to 11 the following weekend before tapering. My goal is to not want to die with the same intensity as I did in Baltimore during the last three miles. I really didn’t train that much and somehow got lucky with my ability to run 8:38 miles at my first try. My ultimate goal for the spring is to get below 1:50 although I’d be happy with simply improving in DC and reaching the ultimate goal in Frederick in May.

My training now is completely different. While last summer and fall I had an entire gym at my disposal, I now only have running, a few fitness videos and 3 and 7 lb weights. While I used to do an hour on an elliptical most days, I’m now running. While I don’t run for an hour, I have to think that mostly running is better training than ellipticals and stationary bikes.

I guess I’ll find out for sure in less than 6 weeks now.

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